Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Annie was a fairly easy pregnancy. I went in for my 37 week check-up at 37 weeks and 3 days (Monday). He checked me and I was dilated to 4 1/2 centimeters. I thought for sure she was going to be coming soon. Thinking about it later I know that I was having pretty good contractions the next day while I was walking around the grocery store.

On Wednesday we took Ammon to his 18 month check-up with our pediatrician. She was in the finally few weeks of working in our clinic and was excited to meet this little girl. After his check-up she encouraged me to go to OB and get checked. So off we went, I really wasn't expecting anything different. They got me all set up in the NST room at 10:30 and on the monitors. I ate lunch, was just having a gay old time there. Finally at 12:30 a nurse checked me. I was surprised when she said I was at 6 centimeters. She was surprised that I had eaten lunch. Said she hoped I didn't lose it during delivery.

They called Dr. Nolte and he checked me at 1:00 where I had made it to 7 centimeters. At 1:30 he broke my water. Within 15 minutes I was having very strong contractions. I think I started pushing at 3:15, at one point I remember Dr. Nolte saying that she had a lot of dark hair and asked if I wanted to feel her head-I didn't; I guess I was a little grossed out at that. She was born at 3:17. She weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20 inches long. I had one small tear that required two stitches.

When I look back on her delivery compared to the first two, it was a piece of cake. I still did it drug free, though I do remember asking for something halfway through transitioning.

She was just beautiful. Both of my boys were blond haired blue eyed handsome little boys. This little beauty had a head of dark hair and beautiful dark eyes. Her complexion was also a little more olive colored then the pale faced boys I had. She definitely had some of the Mexican blood from Michael's Grandma's family.

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